The Manger of Jesus/Message of Christ to Church Goers
This was written just this morning. Grammar and spelling issues aside, I hope you will receive this message (after a fun fact) with grace.
Fun fact I bet many of you didn’t know about Jesus’s birth (besides it maybe not being correctly on December 25th)
Jesus’s manger he was put in after birth was not wood by any means. It was made of cumulation of stone/clay/hay/mud, sometimes they would be made of rock and was a feeding trough for the farm animals to eat from for its time…
It really puts into perspective of how lowly Jesus’s birth was. He could have been given fanfare, could have been born in luxury, something fitting for the true King that was going to inherit King David’s throne through his bloodline thanks to Joseph, but he was born in meek and humble beginnings to offer us a new beginning with Him, a broken cycle of a world, and a broken people in a very much broken world.
Lesson and Message: Just because someone doesn’t look Christian, doesn’t mean they aren’t. Just because someone doesn’t go to church every Sunday doesn’t mean they’re not Christian. Just because they curse from time to time, just because they have a heated row, just because they’re dirty on the outside or have tattoos. It doesn’t matter. Jesus knows their heart and if they are on the journey to be transformed, then don’t stop them but continuously be of support and encouragement. Not condemnation. It’s about Relationship not legalistic rules of churches that are man-made.
Just because someone dresses to the nines, goes to church every Sunday, involves themselves in churches, etc, doesn’t mean they are. Some of the worst people I have met was through churches I tried to go to heal my broken heart on numerous occasions. Not all churches are like this, and I won’t judge all of them according to my own experiences, but from also my experiences I have seen the hypocrites screech out God’s name, but barely look at people who don’t look like them, don’t act like them. I’ve seen so many entitled ‘Christians’ that give Christ a bad name and it’s disheartening. Our churches are a hospital for the broken, not for the elite to boast of their many treasures they’re trying to prove to God to get into Heaven. Again: It’s about a relationship and EVERY walk with Jesus of EVERY person who follows Jesus is different. The only truth is all stories lead back to ONE truth and that’s Jesus Himself. The one who sacrificed Himself for our sins.
Also Fact: JESUS Himself has said to his disciples: Luke 5:31–32:
Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
Jesus is basically calling for those who are righteous in the eyes of God to stand up and help his brethren who are broken. Be the fisher of men in order to establish the covenant upon their heart God made with the one who follows Yeshua (Jesus). The Church is for Sinners not for Saints.
He also establishes this in John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
So those who go to church every Sunday, are you living for God or are you just filling a seat reserved for sinners you mock daily and judge daily outside of church (and INSIDE church as well ((giving dirty looks at people you don’t think are worthy to enter your space or your church)). Is your heart for God and willing to soak in His love and mercy not only for you but to extend that grace upon someone else in need of mercy and grace? Or is your heart so soaked into the societal part of Church that you just want to impress people with your works that you want a pat on the back for that won’t get you into heaven. (And no this isn’t a judgement, but a factual statement from the Bible)
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:8–10)
NOT OF WORKS: Lest any man should boast. ← — Boasting is something God does not like.
(How do you knooow Kristina?
Becauuuuuuse God in the Old Testament and New has NOT changed with his distaste for pride and arrogance.)
Culture can change of the society we live in, BUT God will not change EVER. God has stated that multiple times. Shoot, even told me. “I am the Alpha and Omega, I won’t change past, present, and future.” (Yeah….His voice was gentle but the power that came from that voice was…WOW. Glorious and frightening at the same time.)
So anyway, that was my long post for the day. Not even a rant…but an informative piece I felt the need to sit here and type out.
I think God was waiting for a creative break-through to have me write this while coughing up a storm and eyes blurry from hardly any sleep thanks to meds.
Maybe this was meant for someone that needed to hear it. And I hope it helps.
If anyone would like to add anything; please feel free to do so in the comments.
Have a Blessed day.